IWSG: Getting into the Zone

getting into the zone

May Writing Prompt

Do you have any rituals when you need help getting into the ZONE?


I don’t have any writing rituals as such, but there are certain conditions that are conducive to writing. #1 is that I don’t like noise or music on when I’m writing. Silence is golden.

#2 is switching to timed writing sessions. I used to write and edit at the same time, and it took me ages to reach my target word count each day. I’d agonize over words and sentences, and shuffle them around, like a cat plays with a mouse. Not ready for the kill— just teasing my prey into submission.

But about a year ago I started fast-drafting and free writing. Basically this writing method entails setting a time limit and just writing.

You need to free your mind to let your words flow, so that you analytical conscious mind is overwhelmed into submission, and your subconscious thoughts take over and leap onto the page. Think of fast drafting like verbal diarrhea on a page. You can write to a prompt, or just freewrite whatever comes into your head.

Guaranteed that at some point your mind will go blank, and if that happens you have to keep writing. The key is to keep your brain and your hands moving. Even if all you’re writing is “I don’t know what to write, my mind is blank, I wish I knew what to say…” do this for long enough and you’ll end up going off onto a tangent.

When you fast draft you have to accept that a lot of what you write is going to be rubbish, and will end up getting discarded, but within your session (usually 20 minute times slots), there’s usually a few nuggets of words that are pure gold, and it only took you 20 minutes to come up with them.

I find that fast drafting is the best way for me to conquer writer’s block, or help me overcome procrastination. Even when I don’t feel like writing, I tell myself that I just have to do 20 minutes and then give up for the day. But as soon as I’ve done one session, it energizes me.

It’s like trying to run a marathon without warming up first. You’re going to fail! It’s the same with writing. You have to warm up your mind and writing muscles to open those doors to your creativity.

What is IWSG?

Each first Wednesday of the month, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) encourages writers to talk about their doubts and celebrate the fears that have been conquered.

Once you’ve written your blog post, you’re encouraged to visit others in the group and comment on their blog posts. You leave your blog link in the comment and they’ll visit you blog and return the favor of a comment.

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This group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. This month’s co-hosts are  Feather Stone,Beverly Stowe McClure,Mary Aalgaard, Kim Lajevardi, and Chemist Ken!

Author: Beth McQueen

Join me on the journey as I write my first memoir. I decided that the best way to absorb the memoir writing tips and techniques I've been learning, would be to write about them. So learn along with me, and together we can get this bloody book finally written!

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