Watch “How to Write a Memoir from Idea to Publication”

How to Write a Memoir from Idea to Publication

This video event was produced in partnership with the San Francisco Writers Conference, the Women’s National Book Association, San Francisco Chapter and the Writers Grotto.

In this panel discussion you will learn about how Emily, a newbie to memoir writing, had a burning desire to tell her story and get it out in the world. Over three years, she learned about structure and all aspects of memoir writing as well as the publishing world. Her teachers, authors Louise Nayer and Lindsey Crittenden, will talk about the process of working with Emily and how she persisted to reach success.

Emily Freemanā€™s book Failure to Appear was published on March 2nd, 2020 by Regal Crest. The road to publication was not easy but she did it with hard work and with the help of her teachers.

How to Write a Memoir from Idea to Publication

Author: Beth McQueen

Join me on the journey as I write my first memoir. I decided that the best way to absorb the memoir writing tips and techniques I've been learning, would be to write about them. So learn along with me, and together we can get this bloody book finally written!

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