
I’m Beth, a baby boomers who walked away from a dynamic and exciting corporate job because it wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. My mother has Alzheimer’s and I’m married to a chatty extrovert who is the yin my my introverted yang.

I’m one of FIRE people … financial independence, retire early. I’m using my time to write a memoir

As I struggle to untangle the events in my life to write a compelling series of memoirs I’m sharing the insights and Aha! moments I discover along the way. I

‘ve tried writing my first memoir, and it’s been a long process. I tried writing what I knew. And although I know my life inside out, I didn’t know how to translate that onto the page, so I’m researching and learning how to become an engaging memoirist. I’m happy to welcome you onto this journey with me.

A bit of background

I’m was born in rural England at the tail end of the baby boomer generation. When I wasn’t socially isolating in my bedroom away from the tornado that was my family life, I was glued to an old black and white TV watching old Hollywood films from the thirties and forties.

I loved the Waltons. No…I wanted to be a Walton. I wanted that comfort and security of a stable home life, and the joy of sitting around a dinner table with a family that was full of laughter and chatter. Our family life was the polar opposite.

I also loved the Osmonds – especially Donny. I never dreamed that three decades later I’d be living in Hollywood working for a major movie studio, and attending a Christmas party where Donny and Marie were hosting our employee raffle.

When your past stares you in the eye, it’s a stark reminder of where you came from and how far you’ve travelled. I love the structure of memoir, because it’s an opportunity to show those transitions, and when you’ve had a life as complex and scattered as mine, there’s been a lot of these before and afters!

The past has been full of lessons, and the future is bursting with possibilities. Just be careful what you wish for, because dreams do come true!

I’m new to Facebook, but would be happy to connect with you there or here.